INTRODUCING THE 'SCARLET PRINCESS' Ash's Japanese Maple Nursery is pleased to introduce a new red dissectum dwarf variety of Acer Palmatum which was developed as a witches broom at Ash's Japanese Maple Nursery. The new variety has been named Acer palmatum dissectum 'Scarlet Princess'. There is no other comparable dwarf red dissectum in the world. It has compact nodes and color holds equally well to Crimson Queen. Uniform Grower. Perfect specimen for containers, small spaces, patios, etc. Mail orders available by contacting Ash's Japanese Maple Nursery. For more information, please call (910) 270-4723.

1984 Ash's Japanese Maple Nursery- located in Hampstead, NC,
20 miles north of Wilmington, NC- has specialized in the care
and maintenance of Japanese Maples.
over 60 Japanese Maple cultivars and 5,000 trees, we offer
a great selection of containerized and ball and burlap trees.
Upright varieties such as Bloodgood, Red Emperor, Coral Bark,
and Seiryu to name a few are available up to 10 feet.
special niche is bonsai style cut leaf specimens including
popular varieties such as Crimson Queen, Tamukeyama, Waterfall,
Palmatifidium, and APAD. Through our pruning methods, 9 feet
tall and 12 feet wide cut leafs look like giant bonsai.
trees have withstood the rigors of southern summers with its
inherent high heat and humidity and we have also demonstrated
that Japanese Maples can thrive in full sun. The majority
of our trees are grafted in house and they are root pruned
every year so that they can be moved at any time of the year.
encourage you to visit our grounds and Japanese Garden complete
with a replica of a Japanese tea house or Garden House. The
nursery is nestled in 11 acres of pine and hardwood forest.
Garden and nursery tours and lectures are available upon request.
Hope to share our love of maples with you soon!
Thomas & Nancy Ash